Top athletes all over the world use LifeCube to supplement their daily training or support their regeneration processes. From NFL and NBA players to German soccer teams and Tour the France cyclists – everyone trusts in the power of cold to give them an additional energy boost and help them outdo their competitors. Only 2-3 minutes are enough to improve their performance and shorten their recovery phases. This makes cryotherapy the perfect tool to “warm up” before the game and to fill the half-time breaks. This freezing cold causes a vitalizing effect that helps us localize all energy reservoirs in our body and achieve one-hundred percent in the entire game.
Our electric cryo chamber LifeCube can have a positive impact on the athlete as well as on the sports club. It can be used before, during, or after the sports event to potentially improve the performance, delay symptoms of exhaustion, or accelerate muscle regeneration. Countless athletes profit already from the cold miracle und gain an advantage over their competitors. Don’t let them knock you of the pedestal but count on LifeCube for your future medal wins. LifeCube – this is the most effective way of whole body cryotherapy.
Our electric cryo chamber LifeCube can have a positive impact on the athlete as well as on the sports club. It can be used before, during, or after the sports event to potentially improve the performance, delay symptoms of exhaustion, or accelerate muscle regeneration. Countless athletes profit already from the cold miracle und gain an advantage over their competitors. Don’t let them knock you of the pedestal but count on LifeCube for your future medal wins. LifeCube – this is the most effective way of whole body cryotherapy.
Everyone who is working out is moving and everyone who is moving is producing heat. Our body tries to regulate this heat by lowering the core temperature and enhances the blood circulation in our skin and limbs. This means, by implication, a weaker blood circulation of our muscular system which causes a decrease of our athletic performance. One way to counteract - or at least delay - this process is to lower the core temperature in another way. The solution for this are whole body cryo chambers. In contrast to traditional cold therapy, they do not only cool down the skin temperature but affect the whole body. This makes them way more effective and leads to top results in no time. If they are used preventive before the actual game, they lead to a greater endurance and long-lasting power. The cool temperature of the cryo chamber not only helps to regulate the body’s own energy production but also lowers the environmental heat load. This way athletes can draw throughout the game from the energy they have saved in the beginning.
Only 2-3 minutes with LifeCube are enough for an effective cryo therapy. So why not make use of the half-time break and mobilize your forces to gain another energy boost? The extremely low temperatures of -80°C inside the LifeCube chamber can result in an improvement of the muscle’s blood flow, an increase in the oxygen absorption, and a temporary release of endorphins. This short but very intensive cryotraining is so effective that top-athletes do not only use it during the half time, but up to five times a day with the aim of generating a better performance in the long run.
This cold application can be used before, during, or after the training or sport event to boost the performance or facilitate regeneration processes. Our body reacts to low temperatures with a mobilization of its immune system and an increase of its muscle’s blood circulation. Toxic substances, lactates, and inflammatory substances, which arise from frequent muscle contractions, can thus be broken down and removed from the body much quicker. This can result in athletes regenerating faster, suffering seldom from DOMS and being ready to exercise again in no time.
Whole body cryotherapy is not only used during the active training, but also afterwards in case of sport injuries. Its goal is to improve the well-being, to relieve the pain, and to reduce the inflammations. Since cold leads in general to a release of endorphins and anti-inflammatories, it causes a reduction of swellings and pain. For this reason, cryotherapy is often used in combination with other therapeutic treatments to facilitate the healing process or to shorten downtimes after sports injuries or certain surgical procedures.
Aus rechtlichen Gründen weisen wir darauf hin, dass unseren Behandlungsmethoden keine medizinischen Therapieverfahren im Sinne allgemein anerkannter schulmedizinischer Methoden sind. Die hier getroffenen Aussagen über Wirkungsweisen und Eigenschaften unserer Therapiemethoden ergeben sich aus unseren Erkenntnissen mit den verschiedenen Behandlungsmethoden. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass kein Heilversprechen abgegeben wird und keine Linderung von Krankheiten garantiert oder versprochen wird. Alle angebotenen Therapiemethoden stellen kein Vertragsangebot oder rechtsgültige Auskunft dar und ersetzen in keinem Fall die persönliche Beratung bei medizinischem Fachpersonal. Ebenfalls weisen wir ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass alle hier veröffentlichten Informationen nicht dazu dienen, Eigendiagnosen zu erstellen oder Therapien anzuwenden.